Academic Writing
I have a B.Math, a Master’s of Theological Studies and a Doctor of Ministry degree researching Christian giving.
In addition to my academic writing, I have published a number of magazine articles and written a book.
This first white paper is the most accessible document and still holds up - trust is a key component of Christian giving and Whom do you trust? an important question in researching generosity.
Here is my Doctor of Ministry thesis, the formal write-up of my church basement tour of five provinces talking to people about how and why they gave. It has extensive references to theology, Canadian giving and in particular Canadian Christian giving.
My Master’s thesis includes extensive work on 2 Corinthians 8 and 9 and compares what I found in Paul’s Collection for Jerusalem to what I observed among Canadian Mennonite donors and fundraisers. The theological framework I developed here informs my work still.
This article for the Conrad Grebel Review summarizes my Master’s thesis.
Theology and Fundraising: How Does Current Canadian Mennonite Praxis Compare to the Apostle Paul’s Collection for Jerusalem? Conrad Grebel Review, Spring 2009