Giving is a spiritual discipline, a grateful response to a generous God.

Joyful fundraising for churches and charities

  • Faith Fundraising Specialist

    I’m a faith fundraising specialist. I understand both faith and fundraising well. I have worked with very big charities and for people who raise their own support.

    There are always common elements: What great things is God doing? How can you share those stories? Gratitude makes an excellent springboard into generosity.

    Fundraising is more than a means to an end: giving can and should be a joyful and community-building spiritual practice.

  • Making Numbers Make Sense

    You work for ABC Charity because you are passionate about ABC. You might not be as passionate about direct mail, receipting or planned giving. That’s good, because then we can work together.

    I know the Canadian Christian giving sector really well - as an employee, consultant, academic researcher, donor, and board member.

    I can help untangle your numbers:

    • Which donors should be considered for planned giving requests?

    • What fundraising methods yield the best results?

    • Are you attracting new donors? Do they stay?

    I am not intimidated by piles of messy data or a lack of data.

    And last but certainly not least:

    I can help board members learn to fundraise.

  • Going Deeper

    I have very broad experience in the charitable sector. Here’s some areas where I could help your charity:

    Saying thank you - a simple and vital aspect of fundraising. I have ideas that you can do now and cost nothing!

    Donor research - Do you know who your donors are? I can conduct focus groups or design surveys. It’s certain that your donors have something to say if you take time to listen.

    Bequests and Planned giving - Have you encouraged your loyal donors to leave a gift to your charity in their wills? Don’t let fear keep you from asking.

    Fundraising databases - A donor database is the engine that keeps your charity going. Often neglected, a poorly maintained database means you disrespect your donors. Don’t wait until your charity nearly grinds to a halt!

    Fundraising is the joyful task of inviting donors to water the ministry garden.

    See my church page for a video of the Circle of Grace model of giving that informs my work.

    Invite me to come speak to your board, or let’s meet to see how we might work together.