Books on generosity: picture book, botany and sociology

Today I have three very different books on generosity, none of them theology (that’s a blog for another day!)

Extra Yarn

I enjoy reading this gem of a picture book! My friend Bryan Moyer Suderman gave it to me. He is a gifted Bible teacher and musician. Find out more at

It’s written by Mac Barnett and illustrated by Jon Klassen. I found a video of someone reading the book, which I recommend for church libraries, parents and grandparents.

The Paradox of Generosity: Giving we receive, Grasping we lose

Book by Christian Smith and Hilary Davidson

For people who want a deep dive into generosity from a social science perspective. Sociologist Christian Smith runs the Science of Generosity project at Notre Dame University. Generous people are happier and healthier. Not random acts of kindness here and there, but people who practice generosity regularly. This book has all the research and interviews to validate the claims.

Braiding Sweetgrass: Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge, and the Teachings of Plants

Book by Robin Wall Kimmerer.

Bryan recommended this one too, he has a great track record! I borrowed it from the library, then ordered a copy for myself. It has the best understanding of generosity that I have ever read and I’ve read a few! Read the chapter on Allegiance to Gratitude and then email me, I’d be happy to chat!

And please do email if there are books you’d recommend. Happy reading!


Digging our dreams: Can generosity grow here?


Let your money follow your prayers