Deciding where to give

Frederik Buechner died yesterday, peacefully aged 96. I value his writings. I remember sitting by the beach early one morning in Tasmania, reading from Listening to Your Life.

Buechner is often quoted for his writing on vocation:

The place God calls you to is the place where your deep gladness and the world's deep hunger meet.

His wisdom applies to generosity. Where do your deep gladness and the world’s deep hunger meet? What kind of giving inspires joy? What does the world need?

There isn’t one answer to these questions.

What kind of giving inspires joy?

I am delighted to see newcomer families thriving in Canada. As a grandchild of refugees, I’m grateful for the welcome extended to my family. It’s humbling to think of all the generous people, whom I will never meet, whose kindness enabled me to get to now. If I can be an unknown giver in someone else’s story, I will be delighted.

What does the world need?

The needs of the world feel overwhelming. It is not all up to you. Does the cause benefit the world in a meaningful way? If you feel it in your bones, it’s probably a deep need. Risk generosity and see what happens.

Giving is part of our Christian vocation. Discerning where to give and where to serve point us to the place God calls us. Buechner’s words point to hope; he believes God is calling us. Hold onto hope as you seek the place God calls you.


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Simple steps towards generosity: Church stewardship for the overwhelmed