How can the church support faithful givers like Stella?

If you attend church, I’m sure you have met someone like Stella.  She attends worship regularly and she has always been a faithful giver.  But she is overwhelmed. Deciding where to give is difficult.  There are so many causes—so many good causes! 

Some choices are easy: the church of course, and the woman undergoing medical treatment who is being supported by the congregation. 

Stella gives to local families in need, kids going on a mission trip, Bible camp.  But multiple Christmas charitable gift catalogs come on the same day.  And she gets letters from different charities that do something along the same lines.  People come to the door asking for donations. Stella gives to the causes which are most familiar, but she struggles with the constant decision making.

Do not direct Stella to research charities online, Stella is not online.  And more information would only add to her sense of being overwhelmed.  Every charity has a graph showing how well they use money.

How can the church help Stella?

Say thank-you

Thank Stella for her generosity.  A card, a note, a visit – all would be welcome.  Stella would treasure a personal letter.  In Stella’s economics, a call or visit are less expensive to the organization than postage; so, don’t hesitate to pick up the phone or to visit her in person.  Hand deliver her receipt to save the cost of a stamp.

Tell Stella how much the church appreciates her faithful giving over many years.  And her faithful prayers.   Gratitude is good stewardship of people, and the church needs to take good care of Stella.  Will Stella still get lots of letters?  Yes.  But she will know she is valued by her church.  Her generosity is making a difference.  Knowing that could help her to leave some letters prayerfully unopened.

Ask her advice

Ask Stella’s advice on generosity.  How did she learn to be so generous?  Which causes are closest to her heart?  This conversation will benefit both parties.  Bless the church by having the pastor interview Stella during Sunday worship.  Stella has a long history of generosity and caring; her testimony is one of the best stewardship sermons going.

Don’t wait

While churches hope that donors like Stella carry on indefinitely, like the Queen, she is in fact mortal.  Have you asked Stella if she would like her legacy of caring to continue through a gift in her will?  She trusts the church.  Does the church trust Stella, believe that Stella is brave enough to have this conversation?  Remember that lots of charities ask Stella for money.  Will Stella know that the church would love to receive a bequest from her?  Ask.  Tell the story of what her gift will do.

While Stella will hear ‘well done, good and faithful servant’ over yonder, I hope that the church can thank faithful donors like Stella on this side of the grave!  Reassure her that her generosity matters.  


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