Online giving for offline churches

Churches can’t pass around the offering plate this week.  Maybe not for many weeks. 

Generous congregational giving helps the church to do God’s work in the world.  That hasn’t changed. 

How does the church encourage the spiritual discipline of giving without the offering plate?

Every church in Canada which is a registered charity can receive gifts online, either through the CanadaHelps website or through a donate button powered by CanadaHelps on your church’s website.

A church without a website can receive online gifts through CanadaHelps. 

Even people without a computer can give online with help from their children or grandchildren.

CanadaHelps is a charity that exists to make it easy for Canadians to give to charity.  I’m a fan. 

How does a church get the money?

CanadaHelps will either mail your church a cheque or deposit the money right into your church’s bank account.  CanadaHelps will issue the receipts.  They worry about the internet security, the credit card processing etc.  They charge a small fee for this which is a terrific deal.  Your church does not need to send out the receipts, or deal with the credit card companies, or worry about cybersecurity.

Better yet, you can talk to a real live person to help you get this set up. 

How can I tell if my church has claimed its CanadaHelps account?

  1. Ask your treasurer.

  2. Search for your church on the CanadaHelps website.  Find your church page.  An unclaimed account will have a yellow box that says “Represent this charity?  Enhance your profile today.  Learn more.”

Your church needs to claim the account so that CanadaHelps knows where to send the money.  When you update the banking information, you should also provide more information about your church – logo, photos etc.  Make your church’s CanadaHelps page look more like the church bulletin.  It makes it easier for people to donate.

How do people donate to a church using CanadaHelps?

Once a church has claimed its CanadaHelps account, it can receive donations two ways:

  1. Online through  Your church will have its own webpage on the CanadaHelps site.  You can email a link to everyone in your church.  People can set up a recurring donation too; so, they can give every month.  (I preach on why this is Biblical but that’s another blog post…)

  2. Donate button on your church website.  The nice people at CanadaHelps will send you the code.  Depending on the type of website you have, it might be a connection to the CanadaHelps website or a donate button where people can stay on your church’s website to make the donation.

Don’t hesitate to contact CanadaHelps directly, they want to help!

The church continues to be the church, nothing short of a miracle in my estimation.

 Clergy are consoling the anxious and calling the vulnerable. Churches are praying and connecting through technology. I am encouraged by the creativity, compassion and caring I experience.  Church-supported agencies continue their mission of feeding the hungry and caring for the community.

Do people want to be part of a community of caring right now?  Yes!  Make it easy for people to financially support your church.  CanadaHelps is a great option all the time, and especially now when churches can’t pass the plate.


Pandemic Gratitude


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