Ripe tomato generosity
Ripe tomatoes straight from the garden taste best.
Deuteronomy 26, the lectionary for this coming Sunday, talks about sharing the first fruits of the harvest as an offering to God. God’s people are asked to give God their best, the first share of the crops. The first ripe tomato, the cookies fresh out of the oven, part of the first paycheque. When we share what God has given us, from our first fruits, we honour God.
At the start of the harvest, we don’t know what the coming year will bring. Will there be famine or hardship? Should we can those first tomatoes in a jar on the shelf?
In an act of trust in God’s provision, we share without knowing the future.
First fruits generosity encourages us to share as we are able, not waiting until the whole harvest is gathered in, before we know what lies ahead. Generosity is hopeful, not a cheap hope that life will be easy, but a faithful hope that God never leaves us. Generosity becomes testimony to God’s saving grace.