Why do Christians give? A poem from survey answers

Financial generosity is personal for many Christians, not always discussed. That’s why this poem of people’s reasons for giving resonates.

I researched Christian giving for my Doctor of Ministry degree at Tyndale. I joke about my church basement tour of five provinces.

The best part of my research was hearing people’s stories. I wrote my book to be a good steward of the stories entrusted to me. I think this poem - compiled from answers to Q14 on my survey - helps each of us think about our own reasons for giving. What is yours?

“Giving” - A found poem

caring for others

helping others

              because it is the right thing to do

being our brother's keeper. We will be held accountable for our assets and resources


God asks us to give

and asks us to give willingly and with joy

Giving back to God what is His

When I give to the church faithfully, I find God is faithful to provide

In obedience of giving, we in turn are blessed. It keeps me from becoming greedy.

To tithe to the Lord's work

my teaching as a child, my beliefs in giving


I give because God has given to me what I have, so I want to give back.

to recognize God's goodness to me and my family; I am healthy and can work

 I feel lead by God

the Bible says to give to those in need. It’s part of my faith in God.

prompted by the Holy Spirit and prayer


probably guilt for how much I've got and others don't, church project

Sometimes it's just because I was asked. Sometimes it's guilt or because I have extra resources.

sometimes I cannot say no.


I give because I think that someday I could be the one that is on the receiving end

I support “underdog” charities

want to help local Mennonite related groups with small constituents of support


I want to encourage those who are working for the charity

A charity where I am an alumni


to help someone or group to out to do mission work

to support people who are going out to serve

pressure from friends and family. Sometimes I give money for my friends’ kids to go on "mission trips" that appear to be more vacation than mission.

Giving and generosity is healthy for the donor. It puts "money" in perspective and helps break the hold "money" has on the donor

The joy of giving - makes me feel good


"I am spending it on myself": Black women in philanthropy


Generosity and Matthew 25: "I was a stranger and..."