Bringing church and money books to Grebel

I’m excited to return to Conrad Grebel University College tomorrow to be a guest speaker on “Money and how it impacts a pastor’s life.” It’s a Master of Theological Studies class taught by Prof. Carol Penner.

I’m bringing Sherri Grosz from Abundance Canada because I think everyone who works for a church or Christian charity should have friends who know about planned giving from a Biblical perspective.

And I’m bringing a whole stack of books. I’d meant to grab just a couple but how to choose?

Mark Vincent’s A Christian View of Money is hard to see in the photo - the fourth edition (yes fourth!) is in my stack, I actually own an earlier edition as well.

I’ve reviewed a couple of these before:

Growing Givers’ Hearts

Imagining Abundance

Since this trip to Grebel, I’ve written my own book: Growing a Generous Church: A Year in the Life of Peach Blossom Church. Carol wrote an endorsement, as did Rebekah Basinger, the author of Growing Givers’ Hearts. I’m grateful and delighted to be in such good company!


Three benefits of online giving for churches


Eleven ways a church can send thank you cards