Gifts we cannot see: Offering prayers for digital giving
How do we pray for the offering when the offering plate looks empty? I mean non-tangible gifts like e-transfer, pre-authorized debit, online donation etc.
In 1 Corinthians 16:2, Paul asks the believers in Corinth to put some money aside every week “in keeping with your income (NIV)”, so that he doesn’t have to launch an appeal when he comes to visit them. It’s still good advice.
For many church members whose earnings, pension etc. are automatically deposited in their bank account, setting up pre-authorized giving is following the Apostle Paul’s counsel.
Worried about not putting anything in the offering plate? Double-dip, put some cash in the offering plate as well.
I realize that double-dipping isn’t exactly the right word here, but hopefully you understand. Try being extra generous and see what happens!
When I’m worship leading I give people permission to pull out their phones and send an e-transfer during the offering. Some congregations have cards to put in the plate saying that you give via e-transfer, pre-authorized debit etc. Sometimes, we will prayerfully pass the plate on.
It’s easy for the offering to become routine. There are many ways to say thank you to God, here’s some words you are welcome to modify to suit your congregation:
Generous God,
Creator of the world and everything in it,
you give us life and breath.
you sent Jesus into this world to save us.
you give the Holy Spirit to be with us.
Thank you God for your goodness.
Forgive us when we think that everything belongs to us, that we’ve earned it.
Help us to share, to be generous as you are generous.
Thank you for the generosity of believers in many places, sharing, praying and working together for your Kingdom.
We thank you for the gifts we cannot see - for the generosity of those who have come before us.
We thank you for the gifts we cannot see - for online donations, pre-authorized giving, cheques in the mail and all manner of generosity.
We thank you for the gifts we cannot see - because they are yet to come. We trust in your faithfulness.
Please bless our gifts today as we worship you with grateful hearts.
Here are two terrific online resources for offering prayers:
Carol Penner’s Leading in Worship blog - here’s the search results for offering prayers, which includes a prayer for unseen gifts winging their way through cyberspace.
Christine Longhurst’s re:Worship blog - here’s the search results for offering prayers. You can also search by Scripture, theme etc.
I’m grateful for the many generous people who are sustaining the world and probably don’t even know it!
Faithful servants who are: delivering meals on wheels, helping newcomers, volunteering at the food bank, serving as board members for charities, doing the receipting, sharing gifts of music, teaching Sunday School, vacuuming the sanctuary, making the coffee, baking the casserole, answering the phone and visiting the sick. That’s only a partial list.
I am grateful for the many gifts I cannot see.