How much do Canadians donate to charity?

In January, Statistics Canada released Household spending by household type data for 2019. There is an overwhelming amount of data for a Stats major like myself to pore over. I downloaded it all to extract charitable contributions. Source: Statistics Canada. Table 11-10-0224-01 Household spending by household type

In 2019, on average, one-person households made $393 in charitable contributions.

Couples on average donated between $784 - $875, depending on household definitions. (The exact numbers don’t matter so much, especially since this is an average. Median would be better since there is a small number of older donors doing most of the giving.)

If a single person at your church gives $10 weekly, in a year that’s more than the average Canadian single gives altogether. If a couple gives $100 monthly to your church, in a year that’s more than the average Canadian couple gives altogether.

It’s certain there are some remarkably generous people at your church. Definitely above average! Thank God for their generosity. Celebrating generosity provides a teachable moment, much needed because the data shows that generosity is not a cultural norm. People don’t magically become generous, they need role models and encouragement.

For ideas on how to thank faithful donors, especially faithful older donors, here’s a post

Blessings as you pursue the spiritual discipline of giving!


Book review: Madam C.J. Walker's Gospel of Giving


Online gift to the church = Mission opportunity