How to respond to “Don’t thank me”

I said hello to the mountains every day on a recent visit to Calgary. Like standing on the shore of Lake Ontario near my home, gazing at the mountains makes a great spot to stop and pray. Psalm 121 rings as true as ever.

Downstream from God’s generosity

I lead a book club discussion on Growing a Generous Church: A Year in the Life of Peach Blossom Church. Someone made peach crisp and Fuzzy Peach candies were also on offer! The word ‘downstream’ came up often; the church is downstream from the generosity of faithful donors who built the church. Their generosity now will change lives downstream from them in the future, whether it’s a newcomer who gets a better job after taking ESL classes, or pastors in Cuba better equipped to lead their congregations. We are all downstream from God’s generosity and we get to pass it on. Thanks be to God!

You don’t need to thank me?

The next day I presented with my Jewish and Muslim colleagues at a development conference for educators (CCAE). One of the questions was:

How to respond to Christian donors who say “you don’t need to thank me, it’s God’s money.”

I revisited this question with my hosts, who had also been at the book club. They reminded me that I knew this response already, “I thank God for your generosity.” Not everyone is generous with God’s money; so it’s worth acknowledging. Perhaps the fundraiser could share a story of what is happening downstream from God’s generosity.

I’m grateful to be home, even though I’m far from the mountains. I am still downstream from God’s generosity and that’s a good place to be.


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