Summer Stewardship Check-in

I’m writing this on a muggy July afternoon. In many churches, attendance will be down during the summer months. Often, this means reduced giving as well. Here’s a draft of a summer letter/email that clergy or laypeople could send to your church people. Doubtless you will find ways to make it better and more personal - please do!

Dear Louise,

I hope your summer is going well. I’m grateful we have time to rest and enjoy the beauty of God’s creation. I will be taking some vacation time this summer (July 22 - Aug 3) and wanted you to know that you can reach out to the pastoral care team (phone #…) for support during that time.

I’ve been reading In Defence of Food by Michael Pollan and am feeling good every time I have a fresh salad! For my Bible readings, I am turning to the Psalms, a perennial favourite. Today was Psalm 65 “You crown the year with your goodness. Abundance flows in your steps; in the pastures of the wilderness it flows.” I so like the sounds of “Abundance flows in your steps!” God’s goodness never fails and I needed that reminder.

What are you reading? What are your summer plans? I’d be happy to hear from you.

Please remember to share generously with the church wherever these summer months may find you. Our ministry of worship, prayer and hospitality continues and the food bank is as busy as ever. You can mail a cheque to… or send an e-transfer to More donation options are on our website.

Please know that you are loved and cared for, whatever your situation. Our prayer team regularly prays for everyone in our congregation and we remember you with a grateful heart.


Pastor Kim


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