Gratitude Lori Guenther Reesor Gratitude Lori Guenther Reesor

A silly poem about complaints

Most of our petty complaints are silly. I’m not talking here about lament when like Job we despair about suffering and loss. I’m talking daily small irritations: your partner interrupted you. You chose the wrong line at the grocery store.

Choosing to laugh about our petty complaints helps inject gratitude back into the situation

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Generosity Lori Guenther Reesor Generosity Lori Guenther Reesor

Re: gifting, or anything worth doing is worth doing over

Generosity means caring for the people around us, and accepting care in return. Like other forms of caregiving, generosity is not a “once and done” deal. Generosity repeats.

To learn the spiritual discipline of giving, we’ll have to practice. Many of you will cook dinner today. Again. You’ll have opportunity to be generous in a variety of ways.

Do not grow weary, my friends! Anything worth doing is worth doing over.

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