Three things a church can be thankful for, even in tough times

Gratitude? With the news as bad as it it, and people being stuck at home for endless months? Or not stuck at home, but working in the midst of a pandemic? I originally wrote this blog post in 2016, but it seems exceptionally relevant in 2021.

We're reminded to be thankful in all circumstances. Not for all circumstances, but in all circumstances. But sometimes our circumstances can seem overwhelming! I offer this short reminder of three things a church can always be grateful for:

God. God doesn't change. God is faithful today, next Tuesday, next week and next year. The pandemic is temporary and God’s love is eternal. Amen to that!

Worship. Our congregation can gather to worship. Even without a building, strategies, programs or goals, we can worship. Even online! I know a couple of faithful church attenders who have been attending by phone. Every week. For ten months.

Hope. We have hope.  God is faithful, we can worship and we are not alone.  We have hope.

Some congregations might add History to this list. Has your church survived the Spanish Flu, WWI, the Great Depression and WWII? Thanks be to God! You are surrounded by a cloud of witnesses.

There's lots more that we might add to this list.  I'm sure you can think of some already, I've intentionally left some glaring omissions!  I hope you find encouragement in whatever circumstances you find yourself in.


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