Generosity, church Lori Guenther Reesor Generosity, church Lori Guenther Reesor

Digging our dreams: Can generosity grow here?

Some organizations have been looking at a plot of poor soil for so long that they can’t envision anything growing there. Stewardship becomes managing scarcity well.

Joyful generosity means telling other people about what’s growing in God’s garden and inviting them to water it. Digging our dreams in order to make certain that we we hope for will come true.

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church Lori Guenther Reesor church Lori Guenther Reesor

Will the last Anglican please turn out the lights?

Hope, adventure and promise. Words to live by! Not nostalgia for a past that will not return - falling prey to nostalgia could trap Anglicans into thinking that turning out the lights is the only option. Bad jokes don’t tell the whole truth. Hope does not disappoint us.

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Generosity, church Lori Guenther Reesor Generosity, church Lori Guenther Reesor

A Psalm for Leaving a Gift in your Will

Does your congregation ever talk about how members can leave a gift to the church in their wills? Christians can be downright offended when someone tries to talk about money or death in church!  However, Scriptures are full of references to both death and money.

I love the Psalms, not just the poetry and beauty of the words, but the honest emotions.  I heard Psalm 112 read aloud a few weeks ago and it struck me that this Psalm talks about how generosity continues beyond the life of the donor.

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