Can our church survive on online donations?

When I published this post in April 2020, many churches were panicking because cash or cheques collected in person during weekly worship was the main source of donations. There was a sudden shift to online giving. Good news - churches and places of worship can change in a hurry when it’s necessary!

The cheque’s in the mail…

Canada Post still works and donors can mail a cheque. Remind people of the address in case you want the cheques to go to the treasurer or finance committee directly. Say thank you during worship for people who have taken the time to mail in their gift.

Online giving for offline churches

A previous blog post explains how even churches without a website can receive online donations through CanadaHelps.

Say thank you during worship for people who have taken the time donate online.

Email money

Emailing money is a quick and easy way to make a donation. Treasurers, check with your bank and then give the email address to your congregation.

Say thank you during worship for people who have taken the time to email money to the church.

Pre-authorized giving

Blessed are the pre-authorized givers, for they keep churches and small charities running. I am convinced that the Holy Spirit can work twelve months in advance (credit to Edwin Friesen) and inspire people to set up regular donations from their bank account. Talk to your bank or credit union, or enroll in the United Church of Canada’s pre-authorized giving program which is open to all churches.

Say thank you during worship for people who are pre-authorized givers.

What about people who can’t give?

Giving as one is able will vary considerably. That said, everyone can be generous in some way; keep practicing the spiritual discipline of giving. Remember to thank faithful volunteers too.

Call and check in

Some of a congregation’s most generous donors might not be on the internet. Phone people to see how they are coping. Thank donors for their past generosity. Explain that the church sent out an email on various ways to give and that the church will be sending them a letter with options for giving. Assure them that mailing a cheque still works.

It will take a variety of donors giving various ways to keep the congregation going. It will take talking about money. I’m grateful for how churches are adapting.

If your church would benefit from some coaching, please reach out!


Fighting about money at church


Livestreaming the Offering