Offering prayers for digital gifts, noisy gifts and plain old cash

Until the pandemic, many churches remained agnostic about digital giving. Some congregations worried that if people gave online, the collection plate would go around empty.

How do we celebrate virtual giving as part of worship?

Giving is such an important part of worship that it deserves words. Not just ‘the ushers will now come forward to collect the offering…’ and a cursory prayer, but a moment of genuine gratitude and celebration. Celebrate all the gifts, not just gifts from people sitting in the pews at the moment.

I’m a fan of passing the plate. Go ahead and put money in (assuming you have cash), even if you already gave online. Why not?

Here are some starter sentences:

Creator God, Thank you for the people who built this church with their time, energy and generosity. We are grateful for our founders and thank God for the continuing generosity of this congregation.

Thank you God for the people who are not here today, yet who continue to support this church in so many ways. Thank you for people who gave online, who give regularly through pre-authorized giving and for the faithful givers here today.

Loving God, Thank you for the joyful gifts of our children. Thank you for coins loudly given, for questions asked, for watchful eyes. Help us to model generosity, and help us to learn it.

Generous God, Thank you for the privilege of sharing with others. We confess that it doesn’t always come easily. Bless us as we share, and bless the many people who will benefit from these gifts.

Gracious God, giver of every good gift, thank you for the gift of this day. It’s a sad day, and yet we know that you never leave us. Thank you that by sharing what we have, we can share your grace with others.

Eternal God, you are our Creator, our Redeemer and our Sustainer. It’s uncertain times and we are sorely tempted to hang out tight to what we have. Help us to live into your grace, and to trust that if we share, we will all have enough.

Tell stories. What great and wonderfully small things is God doing amongst your congregation?

If you are looking for offering prayers and worship resources of all kinds, I recommend both and as excellent resources.

This blog was originally posted in August 2019 and updated in March 2022.


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