church Lori Guenther Reesor church Lori Guenther Reesor

Online gift to the church = Mission opportunity

If Matthew, a twenty-something male, makes an online donation to your church, what happens next? Generosity demonstrates trust. Matthew is telling you that he trusts your church enough to make a financial gift. There’s many, many voices calling for his money. He chose to give the church. That’s a big deal.

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church Lori Guenther Reesor church Lori Guenther Reesor

Offering prayers for digital gifts, noisy gifts and plain old cash

Giving is such an important part of worship that it deserves words. Not just ‘the ushers will now come forward to collect the offering…’ and a cursory prayer, but a moment of genuine gratitude and celebration. Celebrate all the gifts, not just gifts from people sitting in the pews at the moment.

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