Reaching out with joy and hope: Asking for support for church "head office"

What does someone from the national church communicating with the local church look like?

The drawing answers that question.

Earlier in the summer, I had the opportunity for a virtual meeting with people who work for ‘head office’ - national church, synod, diocese etc. Together we drew what someone from the national church reaching out to the local church would look like. (I unabashedly copied this idea from Betty Pries.)

Someone from head office reaching out to the local church has:

  • a big heart. They genuinely care about the church and about people.

  • a lopsided halo. They are saintly but not too saintly.

  • big ears. They listen.

  • a smile. They are glad to meet you.

The words we added to the drawing are Joy & Hope.

Building up the unity of the church is ministry. Reaching out beyond the walls of the church is ministry. It was heart-warming for me to be able to remind these “head office” folks that they do important ministry.

It’s easy to get worn down and worn out. I encourage church folks everywhere to take a minute and think of three things you are grateful for about your church denomination. I’ll start: the opportunity to connect with believers in other places, the incredible resilience of small churches, people who share their talents and energy. If I was in conversation and not blogging, I would be more specific. Ask God for a grateful heart. What gives you hope?

I hope this simple drawing encourages you to reach out with joy and hope. They’re contagious, which I am grateful for too!

P.S. 2 Corinthians 9 is a great letter to read on this topic.


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