church Lori Guenther Reesor church Lori Guenther Reesor

Offering prayers for digital gifts, noisy gifts and plain old cash

Giving is such an important part of worship that it deserves words. Not just ‘the ushers will now come forward to collect the offering…’ and a cursory prayer, but a moment of genuine gratitude and celebration. Celebrate all the gifts, not just gifts from people sitting in the pews at the moment.

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Donor Relations, church Lori Guenther Reesor Donor Relations, church Lori Guenther Reesor

Thank-you letters for people who didn’t give

If you give a wedding gift, you expect to receive a thank-you note.  It’s common courtesy.  If you don’t give a gift, you generally don’t get a thank-you note.  Obvious, right? However, in church giving often nobody gets a thank-you note.  Nobody gets thanked.  Really.  In many churches, donors get an annual receipt with no thank-you letter. But I’m proposing here that everybody gets a thank-you note. Here’s why: gratitude generally and thank-you letters in particular make a good springboard into generosity.

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church Lori Guenther Reesor church Lori Guenther Reesor

Dying well for congregations

I help congregations with generosity assessments - looking at giving trends and congregational values. It's joyful, challenging and sometimes vulnerable work (for both me and the congregation!)

One of the big questions I ask churches is: "Are you two or three funerals away from disaster?"

This is a great article on ending well for congregations. Denial seldom helps congregations move forward; facing these questions guides future direction.

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